On December 14, 2022 was held official ceremony, marking the start of the cutting of the steel for the second new multifunctional modular patrol vessel for the Navy of the Republic of Bulgaria.
The start was symbolically given by the Commander of the Navy Rear Admiral Kiril Mihailov, the Managing Director of “NVL Group” Dirk Malgowski and Svetlin Stoyanov – Executive Director of “MTG-Dolphin”.

The main contractor of the project is NVL Group, with the main subcontractor MTG Dolphin, and both vessels will be built and completed in Varna. The vessels, which are about 90 meters long, with about 2,300 tons of displacement, are based on a proven design and feature an integrated Combat Management System. The units are predestined for tasks within the framework of international alliance missions of NATO and the EU and enable the Bulgarian Navy to counter air- and land-based threats as well as surface and undersea threats. The MMPV project is currently the largest newbuilding project of the Bulgarian Navy. Delivery of the first vessel is scheduled for the third quarter of 2025, and the second vessel – a year later.